This powerful collection of Light Language transmissions began as a free resource on our YouTube channel in 2021 and has since expanded to over 50 transformative sessions, all designed to support your spiritual journey!

Light Language is a unique, high-frequency healing tool that bypasses the conscious mind, directly speaking to the soul. It taps into the universal language of energy, activating deep healing, shifts in consciousness, and alignment with your highest self.

Through these transmissions, you’re invited to experience profound activations and energetic clearings, each one tailored to help you connect more deeply with your truth, raise your vibration, and expand your consciousness.

The Light Language transmissions in this library are offered to you as an ongoing free resource—your gift to use at your own pace!

Trust your intuition to guide you to the transmission that aligns with your needs in the moment, and feel free to return whenever you seek support, healing, or activation.

These transmissions are more than just tools—they’re gateways to healing, inner transformation, and profound soul alignment. Step into the energy, embrace the language of the soul, and let these transmissions guide you toward greater clarity, peace, and empowerment.

This collection is continuously updated.

For more Light Language Transmissions not included in the Light Language Library, including our Chakra Alignment Series, check out our Sacred Journeys or join the Ascension Connections Sacred Membership!

You will continue to have access to this Light Language Library for the lifetime of your SDSC Ascension Connections Portal account. 

In This Library

Light Language Transmissions to support your journey.

    1. Light Language Introduction

    1. Light Language - Ascension Support (Support for Challenging Situations)

    2. Light Language - Higher-Dimensional Anchoring

    3. Light Language - Lemurian Light Codes (Activating New Earth)

    4. Light Language - Lion's Gate Codes (Connecting with Lyran Energy)

    5. Light Language - Anchoring Crystalline Consciousness

    6. Light Language - Integrating the Light (Codes for Maintaining A Higher Frequency)

    7. Light Language - Love Shield Activation

    8. Light Language - Healing the Universal Father Wound

    9. Light Language - The Lion and the Lamb (Bridging Separation)

    10. Light Language - Renewing Inner Strength (Invoking the Violet Flame)

    11. Light Language - Inviting the Empress, Invoking the Goddess

    12. Light Language - Magdalene Rising

    13. Light Language - The Triple Goddess: Honoring the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone

    1. Light Language - Inner Child Healing

    2. Light Language - Clearing Parental Programming (Inner Child Healing)

    3. Light Language - Healing Self-Expression

    4. Light Language - Releasing Negative Attachments

    5. Light Language- Releasing Repressed Fear

    6. Light Language - Releasing Fear Grids

    7. Light Language - Releasing Resistance

    8. Light Language - Transmuting Trauma

    9. Light Language - Releasing Old Timelines

    10. Light Language - Healing the Past (Closing Old Cycles & Anchoring New Timelines)

    11. Light Language - Healing Grief

    12. Light Language - Healing from Heartbreak

    13. Light Language - Holding Space (Heart Chakra Expansion)

    14. Light Language - Healing the Third Eye

    1. Light Language - Sacred Self-Love

    2. Light Language - Sacred Self-Love II

    3. Light Language - Navigating Change

    4. Light Language - Accepting Change

    5. Light Language - Transforming Stressful Situations

    6. Light Language - Enhancing Creativity

    7. Light Language - Prayer for Peace

    8. Light Language - The Infinite Heart (You Are Safe)

    9. Light Language - Manifesting Abundance

    10. Light Language - Clearing Money Blocks

    1. Light Language - Realigning Relationships

    2. Light Language - Aligning to Divine Love (with Seraphim Activations)

    3. Light Language - Healing the Feminine (Clearing Blocks to Receiving)

    4. Light Language - Healing the Masculine (Honoring the Divinity Within)

    1. Light Language - Health and Well-Being

    2. Light Language - Well-Rested (Feeling Rejuvenated & Healing Sleep)

    3. Light Language - Honoring the Body (Healing Body Image)

    4. Light Language - Calming the Anxious Mind (Healing Anxiety)

    5. Light Language - Soothing the Restless Heart

It's all in the details...

  • Free
  • 47 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content

The Unity Code

Your sacred union is the story of your evolution. Understand the intricate dance between the masculine and feminine polarities and discover your sacred empowerment at the heart of unity consciousness. The Unity Code offers a powerful perspective that elevates your understanding of soul connections and the sacred union path of your ascension journey within yourself or with another as a way to embrace oneness with yourself and others.

Meet Susan

Susan is an author, holistic spiritual mentor, tarot reader, and energy practitioner specializing in soul connections and the ascension journey. As a natural psychic intuitive, she serves as an intermediary to bring through guidance messages and healing activations for union with yourself, others, and the Universe by nurturing your personal empowerment and encouraging connection to your creative magic. Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections is a sacred space for your soul growth journey and the home of Angel Aura Energy Healing and Tarot in Translation! Bridging spiritual understanding with real, human application, we offer everything you need to connect to your divinity within.