Pluto stations in the sign of Aquarius beginning in January 2024. A cosmic force of transformation, rebirth, and change, this transit is helping to accelerate our planetary ascension. 

This is a timeless channeling with powerful messages whenever they resonate for your sacred journey.

In this free sacred channeling, we'll understand:

  • The phrase, "be still and know," asks you to trust in your own intuition and inner knowing by tuning into the voice of GodSource within. The void energy we've individually or collectively experienced is an opportunity to tune into the sacredness of your connection to GodSource within yourself in order to understand what is happening on the planet from a higher perspective, including the radical change that we are seeing within our physical earth timeline. 

  • Awakening on this planet is presenting itself in various ways and through multiple stages. Kali-Ma reminds us that there is no destruction for destruction's sake but that it paves the path for evolution and new creation. She reminds us of our warrior spirit to help us face these times of change and to do so with compassion and love for all as we are all part of the whole of this creation, no matter how divided it looks in our 3D world. This is the transcendence of duality in which we understand that everyone is playing their part. 

  • Our ancestors are surrounding us to support us as we lift the veil through our ascension process, transcending time and space. The sacred "om" is tuning into our own breath as connection to GodSource. Twin Flames as the epitome of the call to the sacred. The importance of grounding ourselves and how the Earth is helping to support us in raising our frequency and "powering up" our energy for more light. 

  • The connection between Atlas and Sisyphus is experienced in a dream about how the collective burden they were allegorically holding up has been paid. The world is changing and evolving and we as a collective are the bridge to a new template. Where we were pushing against the old ways in resistance to expansion, we are now collectively recognizing that solutions come from the new. Where we were holding up the heavens as if it's separate from us, we are now embracing the heaven within. We have been our own Atlas and Sisyphus and are changing the template through change within ourselves. 


Light Language Transmissions included!

In This Free Channeling

    1. Sacred Channeling - The Sacred Breath

    1. Light Language - Anchoring Crystalline Consciousness

    2. Light Language - Higher-Dimensional Anchoring

    3. Light Language - The Infinite Heart (You Are Safe)

It's all in the details...

  • Free
  • 4 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • Bonus: Light Language Transmissions

The Unity Code

Explore sacred union with our new book, The Unity Code!

Your sacred union is the story of your evolution. Understand the intricate dance between the masculine and feminine polarities and discover your sacred empowerment at the heart of unity consciousness. The Unity Code offers a powerful perspective that elevates your understanding of soul connections and the sacred union path of your ascension journey within yourself or with another as a way to embrace oneness with yourself and others.

Meet Susan

Susan is an author, holistic spiritual mentor, tarot reader, and energy practitioner specializing in soul connections and the ascension journey. As a natural psychic intuitive, she serves as an intermediary to bring through guidance messages and healing activations for union with yourself, others, and the Universe by nurturing your personal empowerment and encouraging connection to your creative magic. Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections is a sacred space for your soul growth journey and the home of Angel Aura Energy Healing and Tarot in Translation! Bridging spiritual understanding with real, human application, we offer everything you need to connect to your divinity within.