Mary Magdalene's Feast Day occurs each year on July 22 as a memorialization of Mary Magdalene, who was once disreputed but eventually canonized by the church as a prominent figure in Christianity, having been the first to witness Yeshua's resurrection. 

For centuries, the feminine energy which she represents was suppressed for the sake of control and manipulation within the distorted masculine template on the planet. That very same energy is rising to be recognized as sacred in its own right, in partnership with the divine masculine principle. 

Our sacred channeling explores the rise of feminine energy in connection with unity consciousness with a companion Light Language Transmission.

In this free sacred channeling, we'll discover:

  • Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine essence. How she was the true sacred partner to Jesus within her own connection and union to Source. Crumbling previous distorted templates of suppression in order to come into the balance of pure love and how the chaos we're experiencing is the releasing of old restrictive energies. 

  • The rising of the feminine energy does not negate the masculine energy but rather brings both into perfect harmony, creating an equalibrium and union. The importance of connecting to and embracing the feminine energy within each and every one of us in order to expand as soul and return to the universal Christ consciousness. How Mary and Jesus both carried this balanced, union consciousness within, embodied within their sacred partnership to help us change our perception. 

  • Cosmic transformation is taking place where we're breaking free from old templates. There is divine order within the chaos we might be seeing as the global collective goes through ascension, shifting perspectives on what we had believed and understood based on old stories and versions of the past. The return of love consciousness is happening through ascension and the recognition of our connection to Source. Mother Mary emphasising that nothing is out of place, we just need to shift our perception and remember it's all about love. 

  • The more you know yourself, the deeper you go within to understand your connection to yourself and to Source energy. Coming together into sacred union of the self with your feminine and masculine principles means acknowledging and allowing the feminine energy to rise. We are called to honor the feminine energy in her own right without dishonoring the masculine. The two work together in a harmonious dance of love and balance. 

  • Releasing persecution and suppression energy. How the magic and divinity of the feminine had been persecuted for centuries. A shift during the Salem Witch Trials wherein new awareness led to feminine energy rising out of those old fear grids to begin to take its rightful place (progressing over hundreds of years) to this present point in space and time of rapid awakening. Not needing to persecute or suppress the divinity and magic that the feminine essence contains but rather to honor and cherish her.  


Light Language activation included!

In This Free Channeling

    1. Sacred Channeling - Magdalene Rising

    1. Light Language Transmission - Magdalene Rising

It's all in the details...

  • Free
  • 2 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content
  • Bonus: Light Language Transmission

The Unity Code

Explore sacred union with our new book, The Unity Code!

Your sacred union is the story of your evolution. Understand the intricate dance between the masculine and feminine polarities and discover your sacred empowerment at the heart of unity consciousness. The Unity Code offers a powerful perspective that elevates your understanding of soul connections and the sacred union path of your ascension journey within yourself or with another as a way to embrace oneness with yourself and others.

Meet Susan

Susan is an author, holistic spiritual mentor, tarot reader, and energy practitioner specializing in soul connections and the ascension journey. As a natural psychic intuitive, she serves as an intermediary to bring through guidance messages and healing activations for union with yourself, others, and the Universe by nurturing your personal empowerment and encouraging connection to your creative magic. Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections is a sacred space for your soul growth journey and the home of Angel Aura Energy Healing and Tarot in Translation! Bridging spiritual understanding with real, human application, we offer everything you need to connect to your divinity within.