We all experience a crisis of faith or a Dark Night of the Soul along our spiritual journey at one point or another. They're times of questioning, times of doubt, times of disconnect when you wonder if you'll ever feel that faith again.

We've been there. 

In this video, we relay personal experiences and channelings of support to help you back on your path.

In this video:

• Introduction, why I was called to create this video, and how my own experiences have influenced and led my work. Using discernment to understand the vibration of love and your divine connection to God Source. Releasing yourself from fear-based grids and separation consciousness to continue to shift into higher unity consciousness.

• A timeline split is now occurring as those who are raising their consciousness are shifting dimensions due to walking the middle path and transcending/transmuting duality constructs. This might be triggering a crisis of faith for those on the ascension journey, having us question faith due to illusions in the physical plane (on either "side") that strives to dishonor our own inner connection.

• What does it mean to have a crisis of faith and how do you become more aware and thus the observer versus plunging into the depths of that void? Quieting the chatter to connect more deeply to God Source in order to find your truth. 

• Revisiting the building blocks of faith with a new lens. How Dark Nights of the Soul force us to go deeper within ourselves and how in the silence we're meant to listen. Why we might be experiencing crises of faith as calls to surrender, drawing us nearer to God. 

• Questions within the crisis of faith asks us to go deep within to trust in ourselves and our innate wisdom. Questions, not the answers, are what help us to grow as it leads us to discover the journey back to ourselves and our connection to God Source. 


Companion Light Language Transmissions included!

In This Free Channeling

    1. Sacred Channeling - Crisis of Faith

    1. Light Language - Ascension Support (Support for Challenging Situations)

    2. Light Language - Integrating the Light (Codes for Maintaining A Higher Frequency)

    3. Light Language - Renewing Inner Strength (Invoking the Violet Flame)

It's all in the details...

  • Free
  • 4 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • Bonus: Light Language Transmissions

The Unity Code

Explore sacred union with our new book, The Unity Code!

Your sacred union is the story of your evolution. Understand the intricate dance between the masculine and feminine polarities and discover your sacred empowerment at the heart of unity consciousness. The Unity Code offers a powerful perspective that elevates your understanding of soul connections and the sacred union path of your ascension journey within yourself or with another as a way to embrace oneness with yourself and others.

Meet Susan

Susan is an author, holistic spiritual mentor, tarot reader, and energy practitioner specializing in soul connections and the ascension journey. As a natural psychic intuitive, she serves as an intermediary to bring through guidance messages and healing activations for union with yourself, others, and the Universe by nurturing your personal empowerment and encouraging connection to your creative magic. Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections is a sacred space for your soul growth journey and the home of Angel Aura Energy Healing and Tarot in Translation! Bridging spiritual understanding with real, human application, we offer everything you need to connect to your divinity within.