Connect with the Lyrans

Connect with Lyran energy and integrate light codes to raise your frequency and anchor in higher timelines!

If you've been creating a foundation of change through your inner work, prepare to see significant movement reflected in your physical life!

The Lion's Gate astrological alignment of the Earth, Orion, and the star Sirius, known as our spiritual sun, peaks each year on 8/8, bringing enhanced energy and new light codes that has the potential to transform and spiritually evolve us in profound ways. It's a time of powerful healing, manifestation, and remembering your divinity and connection to Source.

In this remastered replay of our Soul Sessions Live Workshop, we're channeling for this Lion's Gate corridor by connecting once again with Lyran energy to help you clear out old, residual energy and anchor in crystalline light codes to collectively shift to new frequencies and connect to higher timelines. 

We share the importance of this gateway and the impact your indiviual energy has on manifesting our collective reality in this present time as well as look ahead to what's being created.

A powerful Light Language Transmission comes through with support from the Lyrans to release the past and clear the way for new shifts, integrating the pink rays of the higher heart.

Finally, we explore manifestation exercises to help you make the most of this magical gateway, including sacred ceremonies that you can incorporate for yourself on the peak 8/8 portal date and beyond.


Revisit past Lion's Gate channelings for more messages and activations in support of your soul growth journey!


Get 10% off our new book,
The Unity Code,  
available in our shop!
(coupon code inside)

In This Soul Sessions Replay

Shift your frequency and anchor in higher timelines!

    1. Lion's Gate Sacred Integration

    2. Light Language Transmission - Lion's Gate Sacred Integration

    1. Sacred Channeling - The Lion and the Lamb

    2. Sacred Channeling - Out of the Garden

    3. Sacred Channeling - Integration, Embodiment, & Emergence of the Sacred

    4. Daily Energy Draw - Manifesting with Lion's Gate Energy

    1. Light Language - The Lion & the Lamb (Bridging Separation)

    2. Light Language - Lion's Gate Codes (Connecting with Lyran Energy)

    1. The Unity Code: 10% Off Coupon

It's all in the details...

  • $33.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content
  • Light Language Transmissions
  • Companion Sacred Channelings
  • Bonus: The Unity Code Book Discountb

The Unity Code

Get 10% off our new book, The Unity Code, when you purchase this workshop replay!

Your sacred union is the story of your evolution. Understand the intricate dance between the masculine and feminine polarities and discover your sacred empowerment at the heart of unity consciousness. The Unity Code offers a powerful perspective that elevates your understanding of soul connections and the sacred union path of your ascension journey within yourself or with another as a way to embrace oneness with yourself and others.

Meet Susan

Susan is an author, holistic spiritual mentor, tarot reader, and energy practitioner specializing in soul connections and the ascension journey. As a natural psychic intuitive, she serves as an intermediary to bring through guidance messages and healing activations for union with yourself, others, and the Universe by nurturing your personal empowerment and encouraging connection to your creative magic. Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections is a sacred space for your soul growth journey and the home of Angel Aura Energy Healing and Tarot in Translation! Bridging spiritual understanding with real, human application, we offer everything you need to connect to your divinity within.